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38 spartan chassis air suspension diagram

Posted May 2, 2016. Crawled under the coach a few weeks ago and discovered the rear air bags are pretty badly checked and cracked. Decided to replace them. Received the new bags Friday and found the bottom (cone portion) is plastic versus aluminum. Spartan recommends installing an aluminum plate under them for additional protection. 2. If the motorhome has a Spartan chassis — If the motorhome has a Spartan chassis with a 'Tow Brake' air fitting at the rear bumper — Use our Tow Brake Adapter Kit 921004-20. This kit will allow the Brakemaster to plug into the 'Tow Brake' fitting on the RV. 3. An optional tee may be required to connect the

RV Tech Library - Determining the Age of Batteries. RV Tech Library - Battery Charge Voltage. RV Tech Library - Battery Testing. RV Tech Library - Battery Maintenance. RV Tech Library - Equalizing Batteries. RV Tech Library - Converting From 12 Volt to 6 Volt Batteries. RV Tech Library - Welding on an RV.

Spartan chassis air suspension diagram

Spartan chassis air suspension diagram

Does anyone know where I can obtain (or download) a diagram of the air suspension system such as that used on my '07 XC chassis ? I have the Freightliner "Recreational Vehicle Chassis" manual that came with the coach, and also the Freightliner publication "Knowing Your Freightliner custom Chassis", along with all the Winnebago Itasca owner manuals, which go into some detail on things like ... Brett, we have 2004 Fleetwood Providence on a Freightliner Chassis. I have noticed air pressure seems to leak down somewhat rapidly i.e. from 125 psi to 60 psi over the course of some 5-6 hours. Air bags are all cracked. Mechanic working on AC recently told me he would be concerned about the amount of cracking if it were his rv. Posted By: REBGORV on 06/08/09 10:06pm I have a 92' American Eagle 38'DP, on a Spartan Chassis. The front air suspension air bags deflate in a few hours after driving. They used to stay up for about a week after parking.

Spartan chassis air suspension diagram. Motorhome Chassis. Spartan Chassis custom manufactures the "Mountain Master" series chassis The use of trademarks or service marks of another is not Spartan air suspension documents > Spartan Air Suspension. Reference suspension manufactureru0027s manual. SPARTAN MOTORS CHASSIS, the Mountain Master GT Chassis Custom We recently began focusing our search for our next RV on Class A motorhomes and quickly realized there's a whole lot more to consider than gas vs diesel. Wh... IMPORTANT: This section is not meantto qualify you to work on air suspensions or air brake systems. It is only meant to give you a basic knowledgeof how an air suspension works. Youshould not work on the actual suspension or brake components without theauthorization and supervision of the vehicle, chassis or suspensionmanufacturer. It isimportant to understand air suspensions because there is a direct interactionbetween the air suspension and the leveling of a vehicle. In fact, there are leveling systems availablethat use the vehicle air suspension to do the leveling. The HWH® Active Air Suspension System actuallycontrols the air suspension of a vehicle while the vehicle is traveling. You must understand the air suspension beforedealing with our systems that are installed on vehicles with an air suspension. At this time it isimportant to note that the following discussions are generic in nature. There are many different types andmanufacturers of air suspensions and many different wa... Suspension Front: Independent front air suspension with 20,000 lb capacity Rear: Non-torque reactive parallelogram air suspension with 23,000 lb capacity Tag: Parallelogram air suspension and integrated passive steering tag axle with 14,000 lb capacity Blistein Shocks Front: 60mm Rear: 46mm Tag: 46mm Brakes

Posted April 25, 2015. It's normal that the air suspension receives no air until the minimum pressure for air brakes (60-70 psi) is reached. The air systems primary requirement is to provide air pressure to the brakes. Everything else is second or lower priority. radiator. We can supply you with the items that Winnebago added to the chassis, such as: cruise control. suspensions. fuel tanks. dash components. auto air conditioning. Call us with your vehicle model and serial number and we can give you a definite answer on who supplied which parts and current availability of those parts. SuspensionSuspension System: • Shock Absorber: • Reyco 240AR Air Suspension • Bilstein front-rear Tires • Tires: • Michelin 275/80R 22.5 XZA1 Wheels •Revision: 5.3.06 Wheels: (4) Accuride Aluminum & (2) Steel Spartan Chassis, Inc. 1165 Reynolds Rd Charlotte, Michigan 48813 (517) 543-6400 Fax (517) 543-7728 Freightliner Chassis; GMC/Chevrolet; Monaco Coach; Safari Coach; Spartan; Workhorse; Shocks - Monroe. Spartan; Spartan Chassis Care Kits. Spartan K1 Chassis Care Kit; Spartan K2 Chassis Care Kit; Spartan K3 Chassis Care Kit; Suspension. Suspension; Wheels Components. Wheel covers - Front; Wheel covers - Rear; Wheel Accessories

AIR BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING 1.) Before replacing any valve with a new or remanufactured valve, be sure to blow the air lines out either using the vehicle's own air supply or shop air. Dirt is the greatest cause of premature air valve failure. 2.) If pipe dope is used on fittings, use it sparingly. Spartan Motorhome Chassis Problems. Air Suspension Problems. The Spartan motorhome chassis uses air suspension that keeps the vehicle stable. These are used to give the user a smooth ride but If these start to run into problems. Then you will notice that your vehicle starts to feel heavy and will even register small bumps. Spartan Guidelines on Air System tanks: Routine Maintenance 1. Make sure both air gauges on dash are reading 70 psi or less. If gauges read higher, bleed system down by pumping brake foot valve until gauges read 70 psi or less. 2. Start engine and run at high idle (1200 rpms or higher) until air dryer purges in the back of the vehicle. 3. Freightliner Custom Chassis Service Center in Gaff-ney, South Carolina. Some of the items covered dur-ing the training include the air brake system, electri-cal system, vehicle storage, weight distribution, and maintenance intervals. To learn more about the class or to register, go to www.freightlinerchassis.com. After entering the

Maximum: 53˚ with 8,000-20,0000 lb. front axle weight rating Minimum: 45˚ with 24,000 lb. front axle weight rating Suspension Type Air ride suspension with the ability to raise and lower the height of the chassis. Stability Air ride suspension allows the ability to automatically level the vehicle from side to side. Weight Light weight, yet durable and allows for more capacity inside the cab ...

Spartan RV chassis replacement parts and accessories. For the best option, go to the source. As part of our commitment to our customers, we offer parts and accessories that are engineered specifically for your coach.

There are five reasons Entegra Coach is the quietest riding, best handling coach on the market today, period. In this video, we talk about reason number 1: w...

The chassis listed is for a Breakaway. If you contact Spartan and ask, they'll send you these PDFs via email. The member who sent this to me, got these from Spartan just for the asking. Here is a list of most of the Chassis found in a Barth. Missing from this list is the Mopar Powered Units.

A custom ladder frame and rear air suspension with kneeling feature, provide a stable, comfortable ride for patient and crew. The Metro Star-RT® is available in LTD (Long Two Door) and MFD (Medium Four Door) cab lengths and with Classic (standard) or Evolution fascia styling. 94" wide aluminum cab. Advanced Protection System® for unmatched ...

remain connected . failure to do so can cause the air springs to separate from the piston and result in premature air spring failure . replacement of shock absorbers with non-hendrickson parts can alter the rebound travel of the suspension . htb® 210 for spartan motorhome chassis 17730-261 5 important safety notice

on applicable Spartan Bus / Motorhome Chassis: AIRTEK® — An integrated front air suspension with the STEERTEK axle. SOFTEK® — An integrated steel spring mechanical suspension with the STEERTEK axle. STEERTEK — A durable, lightweight, fabricated steer axle assembly.

240AR Air Drive Axle Suspension 96-'14 B6 24-186780 F4-BE5-D656-H0 M 0485-SS5-001 Hendrickson Suspensions K2 /K3/Mountain Master Bilstein # Bilstein Old # Spartan # HAS Air Drive Axle Suspension 08-'11 B6 24-191227 F4-BE5-C424-M0 M HTB Air Drive Axle Suspension 08-'11 B6 24-191258 F4-BE5-D235-M0 M Spartan Motorhomes (axle applications - rear)

Posted By: FloridaFitz on 09/03/05 05:03pm Had a dealer suggest the Spartan Mountain Master was a superior chassis in part because the 4 air bags are much larger diameter, thicker bag walls, have greater vertical travel, better protected (from road debris)inboard positioning and are commercial grade (ie firetruck).

Suspension Enhancement. We offer a complete selection of both rubber spring and air ride suspension enhancement systems from Firestone, Air Lift, Super Springs, and Timbren. These kits are custom fit to your vehicle for an easy installation. They can offer either a progressive suspension enhancement or an adjustable level of suspension ...

valve and other chassis components when the air is released from the air bags of the coach, or if you are uncomfortable with the Spartan Recommended Procedure, you must call the SMI Help Line at 800-893-3763 or Spartan Chassis at 517-543-6400. Fig 7.2

Posted By: REBGORV on 06/08/09 10:06pm I have a 92' American Eagle 38'DP, on a Spartan Chassis. The front air suspension air bags deflate in a few hours after driving. They used to stay up for about a week after parking.

Brett, we have 2004 Fleetwood Providence on a Freightliner Chassis. I have noticed air pressure seems to leak down somewhat rapidly i.e. from 125 psi to 60 psi over the course of some 5-6 hours. Air bags are all cracked. Mechanic working on AC recently told me he would be concerned about the amount of cracking if it were his rv.

Does anyone know where I can obtain (or download) a diagram of the air suspension system such as that used on my '07 XC chassis ? I have the Freightliner "Recreational Vehicle Chassis" manual that came with the coach, and also the Freightliner publication "Knowing Your Freightliner custom Chassis", along with all the Winnebago Itasca owner manuals, which go into some detail on things like ...

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